Part II
We usually have two or three Part II students at any one time in the group. If you are interested in Part II projects then do go and meet the group at the poster session during the Part II open day. Jon prefers to meet with prospective Part II students towards the beginning of each Hilary term. Do get in touch with him either in Michaelmas or Hilary to arrange a meeting.
D.Phil. / Ph.D.
Funded D.Phil. positions will be advertised here. If you are interested in working in the Burton group then you are welcome to contact JWB before making a formal application to the Department. If you are eligible to apply for a scholarship or have already secured a source of funding then please contact JWB.
The Centre for Doctoral Training in Synthesis for Biology & Medicine offers up to 20 fully funded studentships per year across all areas of synthetic chemistry - see here for details of how to apply.